As a person who has feelings & having an obvious love for photography I find myself getting caught up in wanting to take pictures of every passing moment.
I lost my Dad at a young age.
I know loss. I know how real it is and because of that a part of me lives in fear. I do a good job keeping that part to a minimum, but it's there. I know how looking at a picture 15 years later can bring back memories you thought you had forgotten.
As a result of the above I find myself getting caught up in wanting pictures of it all. I feel like if I do, I will always have a way to keep these moments alive. Because they are so much more than just moments. They are my life.
This picture for example is so much more than a girl just sitting on the concrete leaning up onto her little arms; it's my daughter; it's that look she has in her eyes that makes me sit and wonder what goes on in her little two year old mind. Her untamed curls & the hair that's always in her eyes. Her rash on her checks that won't go away. Her expression on her mouth.

It's a moment captured and already looking back on it, it reminds me of the way the weather was that day, the chocolate chips that I gave her that she got on her dress, the car ride we took just before this and her sweet little voice singing songs to herself in the back seat of the car.