Happy Holidays

I've been naughty, no need to tell me, I already know. (A naughty blogger that is). The good news is apparently Santa is forgiving me because even though I've let my blog go over the last couple of months, I still got my present. Long story short I've been without a computer for the last six weeks, and I finally have one again!

Merry Christmas from my family to yours!!!


Casey Martinez said…
um, can we say Good Housekeeping Christmas pictures!! Your kids are so darling and I love how you decorate your tree!! I'm jealous:) Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas! Your kids have grown a lot since I saw them last!

May 2010 bring you and your family many blessings!! Happy New Year!!

PS How the heck did you survive without a computer? :) I've been without a camera for about that long and I'm dying on the vine!! There are just some things that you REALLY miss when they're gone :)
Toni444 said…
Yes, my friend, I think I'm a good story for me and many others.




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